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Traveling with young kids can be a very real source of anxiety for some parents, and rightfully so. Preparedness is key for a smooth trip! Give yourself and your kids some grace when it comes to napping schedules, and maybe some extra screen time. The trouble is worth the memories. I promise!!
Arrive Early
My first tip is to arrive at the airport extra early. Typically we recommend that you arrive at the airport 2 hours before your departure time. This may vary if you are flying out of a regional or international airport. However, I’d recommend adding another 15-30 minutes just for any child-related delays. Everything takes longer with kids in tow, and giving yourself some extra time will help soothe anxiety.
I strongly recommend babywearing at the airport if possible. This will allow you to be hands-free as you move through the airport, and go through security. I can’t tell you how nice this is if you are taking a shuttle from airport parking to the terminal too! If babywearing is not an option, you will be able to check a stroller at the gate. (Click on image for link)
Baby Food
You can bring a “reasonable amount” of baby food and milk/formula/juice through security. This is the exemption to the 3.4oz liquid rule. Just be sure to store in clear containers, unless you are willing to endure a pat-down for an applesauce pouch! Place these items in a separate container for screening. Ice packs are also allowed if you need to keep these items cold.
Birth Certificate
Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate if they are under 2 years old and have a lap ticket. The airline will want to verify the child’s age, as lap tickets are generally free for babes under 2 years old. You can also purchase a seat, and bring his or her car seat to place in the child’s ticketed seat. I chose to purchase a seat for my 1.5yo daughter when flying to Italy because the flight was far too long to hold her in my lap. However, I have definitely used a lap ticket for shorter flights. You can still bring a car seat with a lap ticket. You will need to either gate check it, or check it at baggage claim based on your preference. I recommend this car seat cover if you are checking it.
Book non-stop flights when possible. Even with big kids, I think a non-stop flight will really make your life easier with an overall shorter travel time, but especially if you are traveling internationally!
White Noise
White noise has proven to be beneficial in calming babies. This portable white noise machine can easily clip onto a car seat, stroller, or diaper bag strap to help the baby fall asleep in the airport or on the plane.
Diaper Changes
Change baby’s diaper before boarding, consider using nighttime diapers that offer extra absorbency. Using a backpack-style diaper bag like this one will also be a great help! This bag would be considered a personal item, and should be stored under the seat in front of you. That’s perfect though because you’ll likely need to retrieve items from the bag during your flight.
Take Off
Offer baby a pacifier or feed/bottle during take off and landing to help with the ear-popping sensation.
New Toy to Entertain
Bring a new toy! This is helpful if your kiddo gets fussy mid-flight. Here are a few of our favorites:
I hope you find these tips helpful! You can find all of our recommended products for traveling with kids here:
When you purchase items from our Amazon shop, we may get a small commission. We have put a lot of time into creating these lists with products that we trust, and hope that they will serve you well too.
Let us know your travel stories with small kids! What tips do you have for making a memorable experience with as little stress as possible?
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