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Disney’s Disability Access Service (DAS)

Recently, my family and I returned from a trip to Walt Disney World. It comes as no surprise that WDW is one of my favorite places on the entire planet — those who know me know that I am a total Disney-phile. I could go on and on about my love for WDW but that is not what you came here for today so I will share about one of the particular reasons why I love the Disney theme parks.

Theme parks can be a pretty overwhelming place for many people — this is especially true for families with special needs. One of the best things about the Disney parks is how inclusive they are. Disney is in the magic-making business and one of the ways they accomplish this for families with special needs is with their Disability Access Service or DAS.

DAS is a program offered at Disney theme parks to help guests who have difficulty tolerating extended waits in a conventional queue due to a disability. This service allows guests to schedule a return time that is comparable to the current queue wait for a given attraction – however, it does not provide immediate access to the attractions.

What kinds of disabilities does DAS cover?

One of the things you may be wondering is what kinds of disabilities can utilize DAS? Well, it depends. There is no set list of disabilities that Disney considers eligible to use DAS. If you or anyone in your family has a hard time waiting in line, you will need to register for DAS and the Cast Member assisting you will be the one to determine if you or your family member is eligible. Keep in mind, Disney has made their queues ADA-friendly so if you have a physical disability that requires you to use a wheelchair or motorized scooter that does not interfere with your ability to wait in a traditional standby queue, you are not eligible for DAS.

How do you register for DAS?

There are two ways that guests can register for DAS. The recommended option is to pre-register in advance via live video chat between 2-30 days prior to your trip. You register at this link:

Disability Access Service Registration

You can register for DAS 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM EST. My recommendation is to start registration right at 7:00 AM. Wait times for DAS registration are all across the board, but you will greatly reduce your wait time by starting first thing at 7:00 AM. Think of it as rope-dropping DAS registration. LOL!

One thing to keep in mind, the guest requesting to use DAS must be present during the video call and if they are a minor, their parent/guardian has to be the one to register.

The registration itself does not take that long. The Cast Member will ask for a short explanation why you are requesting DAS and then will take a picture (of the DAS-eligible guest) and send you to a chat with a Cast Member to set up your two advance DAS selections.

Prior to registering for DAS, do this first:

  • Add your travel party to your Family & Friends list in My Disney Experience so that they can be included in DAS plans
  • Link valid theme park admission for each member of your party
  • Make theme park reservations and have that information with you during registration so that you know where you will be when making your advance DAS selections

What if I don’t want to pre-register?

If you prefer to register in person, you may stop by a Guest Relations Main Entrance location during your park visit. Very simple. The downside to this is that it will eat up your park time, and you don’t get those two advance DAS selections — so, I definitely suggest registering in advance of a park visit. Remember, you can register between 2 to 30 days prior to your visit.

How do I use DAS?

This is probably the easiest part of the entire process (other than enjoying the rides, of course)!! You use DAS in the My Disney Experience app. When you enter the parks, you will find the attraction you would like to ride in My Disney Experience and there will be an option to Request DAS Return Time. Once you select this, you will confirm your party and then you’re good to go. The DAS return time will show up in your daily plans. Once you are within your return time window, you will enter the ride via the Lightning Lane entrance. One thing to keep in mind, DAS passes do not expire. Once you have waited the required amount of time, you can redeem your DAS anytime after your return time.

Another thing you will need to keep in mind, the DAS guest will need to scan into the ride first. The Cast Member will verify their picture in the system and then everyone else is free to scan into the ride.

For special needs families, the DAS program is a true game-changer. I know for my family personally, it made our last trip a lot less stressful and there were little to no breakdowns due to sensory overload. While waiting for our DAS windows, we were able to take sensory breaks either at restaurants or in browsing shops. If we did not have DAS, we would have probably been able to only do a handful of attractions before having to leave the parks. For my son, the DAS program levels the ‘playing field’ so to speak. He is able to experience the parks in a way that benefits him — which made our vacation stress-free so that we could make *magical* memories (rather than memories filled with tantrums/breakdowns/anxiety).

If you or anyone in your family could benefit from the DAS program — I highly suggest utilizing this service. 

Email us at and one of our talented agents can help you book the perfect vacation to Walt Disney World!

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