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The “Perfect” Age for Disney

The “Perfect” Age for Disney

It’s a question that most every Disney-loving parent will face. What is the best age to take your child to Disney? In a perfect world, we would like to take our family on a fairly frequent basis, but in reality, we sometimes have to choose when is the best time for our family.

Is it a preschooler? They love some of the Disney characters and may even sleep every night clutching one. But we know that age can get fussy… they require extra baggage, need naps, and won’t be able to ride several things. But how priceless is it when they come face to face with Mickey!

How about early elementary school? That seems perfect… still in wonderment of the many sights, love characters, and able to ride more things. But on the downside, they can still get tired after a long day in the park and might not be tall enough or brave enough for all the rides.

Well then, it must be older kids or teenagers, right? Hold on, have you experienced the moodiness and sassiness of that age, plus that device called a phone that is attached to their hand? They might be able to ride everything, but some are way too cool!

I have taken my children through a variety of ages and stages, from 1 to 27 years old, and have never had a “bad” Disney trip. I mean, how can you?  It’s the happiest place on Earth! When my son was about one, we had a week planned at Disney with his sisters who were 6 and 8. The plan was for him to stay with grandparents until the night before when I decided there was no way I could go without him. And do you know what? That was probably my favorite Disney trip. Not only was he a real trooper going from morning until night, but his sisters loved having him along to share the fun. Even now as adults, you won’t see one of my kids turning down a Disney trip.

In case you haven’t figured it out, quit stressing. There is no perfect age to visit Disney. But luckily, as your child’s interests change and grow so does Disney, making it the perfect vacation for any age. In fact, I love Disney just as much as an adult as I did as a kid. So the real question is, when are you going?

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