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In my family, we love road trips! The more states we can cross in one vacation, the better! We truly believe that getting there is half the fun. Before setting off on our epic journeys, we also try to set the mood by watching some of our very favorite travel movies for inspiration. We have two favorites that always make the list: Wild America – Join three brothers as they traverse the country in search of wildlife and adventures! This movie has the added benefit of featuring Devon Sawa – who I happened to have a major crush on in my younger days. National Lampoon’s Vacation – A fan favorite! This movie introduced fans everywhere to The Griswolds – a family that let nothing stop them on their cross-country quest to visit Wally World. My personal family has had our own unforgettable Griswold moments while trying to make magical memories! What about you? Do you have a favorite movie to get you in the traveling mood? I’m always looking for some new inspiration!
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