the blog

Kristi, Samantha, and Celina discuss the safety protocols at Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort and the Orlando theme parks are taking precautions to keep guests safe.

At The Core

Traveling to Orlando is an important step in the process and thinking about how to be safe during travel is critical.  Airports and airlines have various protocols, but masks are required.  While at the beginning of the pandemic most airlines were leaving middle seats empty, most airlines are trying to fill flights.  Snack and beverage service is still limited on most airlines as well.

At the parks, there are very strict protocols.  Both Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort require temperature checks, masks, and social distancing.  Universal is a bit more lax and will let guests remove their masks for a quick photo, Walt Disney World is more strict and does not allow mask removal for photos. 

In the lines, the ground is marked for social distancing, which does make the lines appear longer.  They have also put up a lot of plexiglass to separate lines, queues, and even seats on attractions. 

Hand sanitizer is available in both parks.  Universal requires a squirt before each ride.  Disney is more self-serve, but sometimes the dispensers are empty so it is always good to have your own sanitizer as well.

Shows, meet-n-greets, parades, and dining have all been impacted as well.  There are QR codes for dining, expanded options for mobile ordering, distanced meet and greets and shorter cavalcades in lieu of traditional parades.

The main characteristics that a great agent should have include industry knowledge, excellent customer service skills, understanding the value of your time and your money, being honest and transparent about their services and their knowledge of your travel location, and build a relationship with you, as the client.

Slice of Life

Samantha talks about her trips to Sandals Montego Bay with Niki and Kristi shares about her trip to Beaches Turks and Caicos with Laura!  Our agents are always traveling to help provide you with the best knowledge and expertise possible!

Crushed It

This week’s travel favorite is 5 pineapple rings and is the Wekapo sand beach blanket.

It is lightweight, made of a parachute type material, repels sand, and folds into its own bag for easy travel!

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