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This is the conclusion of our three-part series on travel tips for pregnancy. If you’ve missed the first two, scroll back in our blogs to see the information agent Kyndal Riorden has shared on tips for the first and second trimesters. Here, she recaps some of her favorite tips for squeezing in that last trip before your next little travel buddy arrives.
Number One – Take it slow.
No matter where you go, you will be moving a bit slower than you may be used to. This doesn’t mean you can’t go and enjoy your trip; you may just want to take it more leisurely. This is a great time to take in the sights and sounds that, traditionally, you would overlook. Take time to watch a show that interests you, enjoy the cool a/c, and do some people-watching while eating your favorite snack.
Number Two – Make sure you were aware of any water refill locations and bathrooms in the area
These two things come to mind first when you think about that third trimester. In transit to your destination, while away, and when headed home, staying hydrated is crucial, and with all that water consumption, you will also want to know where a bathroom is. Since you may quickly need one or the other, knowing where to find both will make your vacation more enjoyable.
Number Three – Wear whatever is most comfortable
Nobody wants to be uncomfortable, especially when you are quickly approaching the end of pregnancy. Choosing the most comfortable outfit is OK versus the most picture-worthy one. Kyndal will admit she is constantly trying to coordinate outfits for her crew, usually around her kiddos, but this is one time to let momma pick first, and then everyone else can choose next. You will thank me later for this one.
Number Four – This will most likely be your last vacation before adding another member to your party, so take time to make special memories. It’s easy to rush for the baby’s arrival; however, you don’t want to miss those last days of enjoying the here and now. If you already have a little one in tow, or maybe a few kiddos already, enjoy your getaway with them. You will soon be making new memories with another family member. If this is the last trip for you and your significant other, take some time separately to record a little note for one another.
If you’re looking for information on travel tips with babies or toddlers, Kyndal has also shared her experience in traveling with little ones in other blogs. If you want to plan your last vacation before your baby’s arrival or that first vacation with your new little traveler, contact one of the agents at Pineapple Escapes to help you today.
So are you ready to jump into the fun? Contact your favorite Pineapple Escapes agent or email us at to get started!
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