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Travel Trends in 2022

Goodbye 2021 and hello to a brand new year.

Would it be cliche to say that I cannot believe it is already 2022? Honestly, it feels like yesterday we were told “two weeks to flatten the curve” and that was almost two years ago?? How is that even possible? I think that one of the reasons for my disbelief that time has continued to march on is because we have done a lot of slowing down these last two years. We were literally quarantined to our homes and then we spent all of last year just trying to figure out our post-pandemic lives. While I can’t help you with most aspects of your post-pandemic life, I can help you navigate travel in a post-pandemic world. Just like everything else in your life, travel has done some serious changing. The travel industry is having to adapt to life post-COVID with COVID and we will see this continuous change in the coming years.

While it may be difficult to see what the travel industry will look like in a few years, we can pinpoint a few ‘travel trends’ that travel advisors are seeing.

Preferring Domestic Travel Over International Travel

One of the hopes for 2021 was the possibility that the vaccine would open more opportunities for travel and while this did happen, it didn’t open as many doors as everyone had hoped — meaning, the doors aren’t wide open, like in the before-times. There are a number of countries with strict entry requirements — many requiring either the COVID vaccine and/or mandatory pre/post travel COVID testing. These requirements may not work for some people and because of this, we are seeing a trend where many travelers are choosing to vacation stateside versus traveling internationally. I cannot tell you how many inquiries I have gotten from clients who want ‘tropical’ but don’t need to worry about travel restrictions. There are a ton of options for those wishing to travel domestically. If you are looking for white sandy beaches, you have beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. If you want tropical, you can check out Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. If you want history, there’s Washington DC, Boston, or Philadelphia. All-night fun? Then you want Vegas. Are you a National Parks fan? Then Yellowstone is a must. There are limitless possibilities to choose from. Seriously, contact your TA right now.

Road Trips

Currently, the TSA still requires all guests ages 2 and over to wear masks on all commercial aircraft, on over-the-road buses, and on commuter bus and rail systems. If you have ever spent two minutes with a toddler, you know that they do not care about mask rules. If they don’t want to wear the mask, you are going to be hard-pressed to try and make them. Personally, my 2.5 year old son hates masks — knowing this, we are choosing to go on vacations that are within driving distance to our destination. This is the reality for so many people right now and because of this and other reasons, a lot of families are choosing to load up the car and take road trips to their destination. This is a great option for a lot of people. On the flip side — gas prices may be a factor to consider. In some cases, road trips can save families a chunk of money and in others, not so much. Hopefully, the price of gas going down is a trend we see more of in 2022 — for everyone’s sake.

I believe that every family should take a good old-fashioned road trip a la The Griswolds, perhaps without all the mishaps. What better way to see our beautiful country on your schedule — where you are in charge of the itinerary, your departure and arrival times, and all the sites you see along the way?

Flexible Booking Options

One trend that really affected the travel industry in 2021 (and will continue into 2022) is flexible booking options. Today’s travelers want the security in knowing that if there’s a travel restriction or an unexpected illness that prevents them from traveling, they have the option of canceling or re-scheduling their trip. Travel companies saw a need and they understood the assignment. Many companies offer generous cancellation policies and/or the option of receiving travel vouchers or credits for last minute cancellations. It is always a good practice to verify the cancellation policy before booking your trip. Another option that I will always recommend while traveling (especially when traveling internationally) is purchasing travel insurance. In fact, some agencies require it in order to book through them. Travel insurance does more than just reimburse you if your trip is canceled. If you want to learn more about the importance of purchasing travel insurance, be sure to check out season 2 episode 18 of the Travel Tidbits Podcast where Jamie discusses how her travel insurance was her saving grace during a recent trip to WDW.


One of the things that this pandemic has taught us was that a lot of the jobs that were being done in a traditional brick-and-mortar office can most certainly be done remotely. My husband and I have both worked remotely since March 2020. Telework has been the norm for a lot of people and because of this — it has led to many to start taking ‘work-cations’. Work-cations are essentially where people will travel to a destination and continue to work remotely during normal business hours and then be on ‘vacation’ when they are off-duty. All you need is a solid wi-fi signal and a power outlet and you can essentially take your work with you wherever you go. I have seen people spend weeks in Mexico on the beach all while never taking a single day of PTO. This is especially easy for those who not only work remotely but also have children who participate in distance learning. I feel like we will be seeing more and more of this trend — especially as more and more employers shift to a more remote environment.

The travel industry has gone through a lot of changes over the past year and it is just getting started. The second half of 2021 we saw a ton of ‘revenge travel’ and people just wanting to get away. This need for escape will continue into 2022 and beyond as we all try to find our ‘new normal’.

Email us at and one of our talented agents can help you book the perfect vacation!

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